Shinichi Amachi (天知 心一 Amachi Shinichi) is a character from Act-Age manga series. He is a producer that sometimes works with Stars Agency.
Shinichi has white hair with bangs that frame his face and a black dot in the middle of his forehead.
He is often seen wearing suits.
Shinichi is sleazy and shrewd and these traits of his are well known by established veterans of the industry such as Sumiji Kuroyama who is always on his guard around Shinichi and doesn't trust him much. Focusing on the goal of popularity and earning money above all else, he is not above wanting to use Kei Yonagi's difficult life circumstances as a way to gain popularity for the young girl and steer her career in the direction he chooses.
Shinichi appears before Kei right after Yujiro's funeral is held and introduces himself to her. After his introduction, he offers her a "wonderful" new play to be a part of.
- The name Shinichi means "heart, mind, soul" (心) (shin) and "one" (一) (ichi).
- Shinichi's surname Amachi means "heaven/heavenly, sky, imperial" (天) (ama) and "knowledge" (知) (chi).
Actors | |
Daikokuten | |
Stars | |
Death Island | |
Tenkyu | |
Iron Fan | |
TV CM | |
MHK Taiga | |
Non-Actors | |
Professionals | |
Civilians |